Designing your commercial or residential property is a step by step process. Starting with the concept brief, we will visit you onsite to establish initial design ideas. At this time, we will review such things as land boundaries, access requirements, land geotechnics; and discuss with you things like the suitable building site(s). By working and resolving any issue(s) that arise along the way, we will then be in a position to present some preliminary designs to discuss and finesse before full architectural plans are drawn up. New regulations that are in force generally in the industry when dealing with Territorial Authorities requires that the plans and specifications for the projects are code compliant sat the application stage.
We look forward to discussing how we can assist with all, or part, of your design requirements. We work with a variety of industry professionals on all the projects to compliment the process of providing code compliant solutions that satisfy the clients scope of design brief. Intro: My name is Rob Mohr and I am an LBP Designer and Carpenter I work with Daniel a registered architect to take projects from the discovery/concept stage to the issue of the Building consent. We work with the council to facilitate successful outcomes for clients and their projects. |
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copyright 200-2013 Glenbrook Design All rights reserved website designed and maintained by With Compliments Ltd